
To change your password, you can click on the user icon on the top-right, then click on Change password (note that this is only available if you manage the users internally with xltrail). For all other settings, click on the user icon on the top-right, then select Settings.

You need to have the user role admin to be able to access Settings.


Drag & Drop

  • Upload: Show a warning if the file name of a new version differs significantly: By default, xltrail gives you a warning when you upload a new version and the file name suggests it's a completely different file, not just a new version. For example, if your file is called accounting.xlsb in xltrail and you upload a new version called 20200101accounding_editsTom.xlsb, xltrail will accept it. However, if your file is called inventory.xlsb and you upload this while you are on the accounting.xlsb file in xltrail, you will see a warning. To switch this warning off, uncheck the checkbox. This is a per-user setting.

  • You can delete projects by clicking the red delete button

  • You can reprocess a project by clicking the button with the double-arrows. Note that reprocess is only available on self-hosted instances of xltrail. As a rule of thumb, only reprocess a repository when you are asked to do so by our support. This is sometimes necessary to resolve a parsing issue or retrospectively read out new content that has been included in a recent release of xltrail.

Git Integrations

  • You can delete Git integrations by clicking the red delete button. This only removes it from xltrail and leaves the Git remote untouched.
  • You can reprocess a project by clicking the button with the double-arrows. For further info, see above under drag-and-drop.
  • You can edit the Git credentials by clicking the edit button.


Provide your passwords here to be able to work with password-protected files. For a detailed walkthrough, see Password-protected Files



  • If you manage your users with xltrail, this is where you can add and delete users.
  • To add a user, you will need to provide their name, username, email and an initial password. If you activate the checkbox Make admin, they will have the admin user role assigned.
  • To delete a user, click the red delete button.
  • The black user icon means that the user has the role admin and the white icon means that the user has the role user.
  • If you use the self-hosted version of xltrail and are using Active Directory / LDAP to authenticate users, you won't be able to add new users here. You will still be able to delete them though.


By default, every project is visible by everyone in your organization. You can, however, restrict access to specific users and/or groups.

  • To create a group click on Add Group, and provide a name e.g. Accounting Team, then hit Save. Now that the group appears in your list, hit the edit button: this allows you to add users to it by clicking on Add User.
  • To restrict access to projects, click on the edit button of a project. Then click on Add User to add specific users that should have access to the project. If you have created a group, there is also an Add Group button that you can click to give access to specific groups. To make a project public again, delete all users and groups again by hitting the delete button.
  • Note that the system account admin needs to be added explicitly to the projects if you want to be able to see non public projects when logged in as admin.

Personal API Token

This can be used together with the REST API.

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