Felix Zumstein
Co-Founder and CEO
Felix is our product manager and always in touch with our clients to drive development into the right direction. As the creator of xlwings, our popular open-source Python drop-in replacement for Excel VBA, Felix has deep knowledge of Excel. Felix is based in Zürich, Switzerland.
felix.zumstein@xltrail.comBjörn Stiel
Co-Founder and CTO
Björn is the technical architect behind xltrail. As a former quant developer and trader at UBS Investment Bank in London, Björn has in-depth experience with very large and complex Excel workbooks and organizational issues around managing spreadsheets. Björn is based in London, United Kingdom.
bjoern.stiel@xltrail.comPablo Mouzo
Senior Developer
Pablo is responsible for the xltrail frontend. Pablo has a background in a variety of industries, from banking and legal to farming and e-commerce. Previously, Pablo has worked on data mining and database projects. Pablo is based in Valencia, Spain.